Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Are some rumors self-fulfilling?

So, this is a challenge to figure out - are rumors self-fulfilling prophecies? Consider this:

I work for one of the firms included in there, and I know for a fact that the numbers at our firm have not been decided as yet. Some of my friends at other firms have told me the same - so who is promoting this propaganda? Do the analysts working at some of these firms really think that putting numbers out there would help them get bigger bonuses? Maybe it might have some impact, but for the most part, it would just be a rude awakening to some and a pleasant surprise to others. so, why do this? I'm lost!
who would have thought?

It's almost a year we graduated from business school. Not yet a year since we started working. I believe one-sixth of my classmates who started working in banking have switched jobs within the last six months - in less than a year! why does it happen so fast? why do people jump around within a year and within the same industry? As far as I know, none of the moves have been to upgrade - most are moves within the same tier - all of them involve bulge bracket firms, so compensation or reputation is not a factor. then why? Is it because people get disenchanted with the firm they joined, find they don't fit in well b'coz of the "asshole factor" prevalent at most wallstreet firms. They move, only to find out that the new place is not really very different. what if I become a culprit of the same, now that I am exploring? The issue is I would never know unless I take a leap..